The MDNP Webinar Series

The EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials project hosted a recurring webinar series. The webinars addressed a diverse range of topics that are key to fostering responsible and sustainable non-energy extractive industries in both regions.

The webinars brought together experts from the EU and Latin America to share their analyses and best practices on the topics. Thus, participants gained insights into the work being done in both regions on driving responsible mining and building sustainable and resilient mineral raw materials value chains.

All webinars were translated simultaneously and offer English, Spanish and Portuguese audio channels. All webinars were free of charge.

Previous webinars

Technological innovation for energy-efficient and low-carbon mining and processing

The webinar will facilitate exchanges at the forefront of this field and stimulate discussion on how the EU approaches sustainable development in the mining context, including what technologies EU companies use in different processes of the production line. It will also showcase successful case studies of energy-efficient and low-carbon mining from Latin American companies and outline opportunities for EU-Latin American value chain integration and common action. To access the webinar, click here.

The role of copper in the clean energy and digital transition

The webinar will facilitate exchanges at the forefront of this field and stimulate discussion on how the EU transition to a climate-neutral economy can set the basis for value chain integration between the EU and Latin America, outlining opportunities for common action. To access the webinar, click here.

Analysis of minerals necessary for the transition to a climate-neutral economy

This webinar will provide participants with insights into the analysis of minerals necessary for the transition to a climate-neutral economy. To access the webinar, click here.

Innovative solutions for sustainable mineral exploration

This business-oriented webinar seeks to showcase examples of innovation from the field of mineral exploration, as this is a prerequisite for the integration of sustainable raw material value chains between the EU and Latin America. To access the webinar, click here.

EU-Latin America responsible battery value chains

This business-oriented webinar seeks to showcase best practice examples of responsible battery raw materials value chain integration led by EU and Latin America stakeholders. To access the webinar, click here.

Management of Mining Enviromental Liabilities

In this webinar, experts discuss management processes for MEL, addressing approaches on how to map, assess, reprocess and remediate MEL in order to achieve a sustainable mining respectful with the environment and the socio-economic development of local communities. To access the webinar, click here.

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