Mineral potential
Here you can find sources of official information about the mineral potential of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. The links lead you to interactive maps provided by the Geological Surveys and mining institutions of these Latin American countries.
The Argentinean Geological Survey (SEGEMAR) provides access to the geological, topographic and metallogenic maps of the country with information on its mineral resources via its Sistema de Información Geológica Ambiental Minera (SIGAM).
Interactive mapThe Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM) offers access to various maps divided by topics via its geoscience system GeoSGB.
Interactive mapThe Chilean Geological Survey (SERNAGEOMIN) offers an interactive map with geological and mineral information on its Portal Geomin It also makes available a virtual map of the country’s Registry of Mining Concessions and its Geological Exploration Information System (SIGEX) collects and exploration data and makes it available to registered users. Furthermore, the Ministry of Mining provides an interactive tool ‘Minería Abierta Mapas’.
Interactive mapThe Colombian Geological Survey (SGC) offers access to a geoportal with metallogenic and min-eral related information via the Mapa Metalogénico tool. Furthermore, it offers an interactive map showing Colombia’s mineral resources.
Interactive mapThe Secretary of Economy and the Geological Service of Mexico (SGM) offers access to the GeoInfoMex Information Reference System, an interactive tool depicting the main geo-scientific information, including those related to mineral resources and allows the combination of several variables in the same map.
Interactive mapThe Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Peru (INGEMMET) offers access to a virtual geological map Mapa Geológico del Perú 1:1 000 000l. It also offers the GeoCatMin tool, an interactive map displaying information on geological features, mineral resources and mining concessions.
Interactive mapThe Department of Mining and Geology of Uruguay (DINAMIGE) offers access an interactive geological map ‘DINAMIGE Visualizador Geológico Minero’ with information relevant to all mining activities and mineral resources.
Interactive map