Physical Separation 2019

13 Jun
14 Jun
Falmouth, UK

Although there is much current emphasis on the chemical methods of mineral separation – flotation, hydrometallurgy, and bioleaching, the physical separation methods are ubiquitous, and there is no mining operation in the world which does not make use of the density differences between solids and liquids.

Whether it be gravity concentration, classification or dewatering, the principles of separation are essentially the same and this, the 5th Physical Separation conference, will bring together researchers and operators who have common interests in:

  • Gravity concentration methods - single and multi-G separators and dense medium separation 
  • Classification techniques - hydrocyclones, air classifiers etc. 
  • Solid-Liquid Separation - thickeners, clarifiers etc. 
  • Papers dealing with magnetic separation, often utilised in conjunction with gravity concentration, are also welcome. 
  • Microwave technology. There are many aspects of mineral processing where the use of microwaves has potential and papers dealing with the enhancement of physical processes by microwaves are encouraged.